Object link to another object
Nicolas Draber
Understood. Could you share an output file (JSON or similar) with non confidential data in it?
Please see example: https://github.com/dinhhuysang/Template_annotation/blob/master/ann_example.json
Note: Linking is a list of lists. For example linking: [[0,1]] where 0 and 1 are the id of the box. Notice the linking order of the key and value in the example key id 0 is concatenated with value id 1, then linking of both id 0 and 1 will be [0,1].
Nicolas Draber
Leo: Thanks! Is this format a standard, a format of your own and have you seen it in other software, if yes which one?
Nicolas Draber: I just seen this format in FUNSD Dataset https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.13538v2.pdf.
In your opinion, which format should be chosen?
Nicolas Draber
Leo: thanks Leo. I'll have a look.
We are starting this feature definition. I would be interested to talk with you once it's done. Would you be available in the coming days?
Nicolas Draber: I'm always available for you to process this feature, thank you so much 😍
Nicolas Draber
Hi Leo, to better understand, could you give me the names of the classes you are using on a document like this one? What is the meaning of green, red, blue?
Also remember that labelflow.canny.io is public so every document you share is public.
Nicolas Draber:
Thank for taking care my requestion.
Ex1. In top left of above document, I have KEY NAME: Người gửi tiền(Green), VALUE NAME: DO THI THU TRANG(Blue). I wanna match KEY NAME to VALUE NAME. Meaning this VALUE NAME of this KEY NAME.
Ex2. KEY : Số GTTT(Green), VALUE: 032604951(Blue). KEY match to VALUE. Meaning this VALUE of this KEY.
Ex3. 1 KEY can multi VALUE. In table in document. We have multi VALUE in 1 KEY. I wanna match them again.
Nicolas Draber: we have 2 polygons labeled object, I just need to click and drag the arrow from one polygon to another, it will auto link key-value together. Do u understand things I said that. Thank you.